Best goon quotes

best goon quotes

Released in 2011, “Goon” is a cult classic sports comedy film that follows the journey of Doug Glatt, a bouncer turned ice hockey enforcer. Filled with hilarious moments, heartfelt scenes, and unforgettable characters, the movie has garnered a dedicated fanbase over the years. One aspect that makes “Goon” so beloved is its collection of memorable quotes that perfectly capture the essence of the film. In this article, we have compiled some of the best goon quotes that will surely make you laugh and reminisce about this beloved film.

“Goon” is known for its witty and offbeat humor, and the quotes from the movie reflect just that. From Doug Glatt’s simple yet profound statements to his teammates’ hilarious banter, each line adds to the overall charm of the film. Whether you are a die-hard fan of “Goon” or discovering it for the first time, these quotes will surely bring a smile to your face and make you want to watch the movie all over again.

So, get ready to relive the magic of “Goon” through these unforgettable quotes that showcase the film’s unique blend of comedy and heart. From one-liners that will have you in stitches to poignant exchanges that showcase the film’s underlying themes, here are some of the most memorable goon quotes that have become fan favorites.

Read These Goon Quotes

“I’m just a goon, what do I know?” – Doug Glatt

“I’m gonna stab you in the face with a sodering iron.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m there to make sure nobody takes liberties with the star player.” – Doug Glatt

“You wanna drop the gloves?” – Ross Rhea

“I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m doing it really well!” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not here to be loved.” – Doug Glatt

“Toughest job in the world, being a hero.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m a big bag of meat with a beat.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m too stupid to know how dumb I am.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not a complicated person. I’m a simple person with a complex rage.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not gay, I’m just comfortable with my masculinity.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not really a fighter, I’m a lover.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m just trying to do my part to help the team.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m here to do two things: drink beer and kick ass. Looks like we’re almost out of beer.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m just here to keep the peace.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I’m a pretty good spoon.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not a goon, I’m a hockey player who loves to fight.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not the brains of the operation, I’m the muscle.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m just a normal guy who happens to punch people in the face for a living.” – Doug Glatt

“I’m not the hero this city needs, but I’m the hero it deserves.” – Doug Glatt

These goon quotes from the movie “Goon” are just a taste of the humor and charm that the film offers. Whether you’re a fan of ice hockey or simply enjoy a good comedy, “Goon” is a must-watch. So, gather your friends, grab some popcorn, and get ready to laugh along with Doug Glatt and his unforgettable quotes.

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